Source code for BAC0.scripts.Base

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2015 by Christian Tremblay, P.Eng <>
# Licensed under LGPLv3, see file LICENSE in this source tree.
BasicScript - implement the
Its basic function is to start and stop the bacpypes stack.
Stopping the stack, frees the IP socket used for BACnet communications.
No communications will occur if the stack is stopped.

Bacpypes stack enables Whois and Iam functions, since this minimum is needed to be
a BACnet device.  Other stack services can be enabled later (via class inheritance).
[see: see BAC0.scripts.ReadWriteScript]

        def startApp()
        def stopApp()
import random
import sys
import typing as t

# --- standard Python modules ---
from threading import Thread

from bacpypes.basetypes import DeviceStatus
from bacpypes.core import enable_sleeping
from bacpypes.core import run as startBacnetIPApp
from bacpypes.core import stop as stopBacnetIPApp
from bacpypes.local.device import LocalDeviceObject
from bacpypes.pdu import Address
from bacpypes.primitivedata import CharacterString

# --- this application's modules ---
from .. import infos
from import (
from ..core.functions.GetIPAddr import validate_ip_address
from ..core.functions.TimeSync import TimeHandler
from import InitializationError, UnknownObjectError
from ..core.utils.notes import note_and_log
from ..tasks.TaskManager import stopAllTasks

# --- 3rd party modules ---

    import bokeh
    import flask
    import flask_bootstrap
    import pandas

    _COMPLETE = True
except ImportError:
    _COMPLETE = False

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs]@note_and_log class LocalObjects(object): def __init__(self, device): self.device = device def __getitem__(self, obj): item = None if isinstance(obj, tuple): obj_type, instance = obj item = self.device.this_application.get_object_id((obj_type, instance)) elif isinstance(obj, str): name = obj item = self.device.this_application.get_object_name(name) if item is None: raise UnknownObjectError("Can't find {} in local device".format(obj)) else: return item
[docs]def charstring(val): return CharacterString(val) if isinstance(val, str) else val
[docs]@note_and_log class Base: """ Build a running BACnet/IP device that accepts WhoIs and IAm requests Initialization requires some minimial information about the local device. :param localIPAddr='': :param localObjName='BAC0': :param deviceId=None: :param maxAPDULengthAccepted='1024': :param maxSegmentsAccepted='1024': :param segmentationSupported='segmentedBoth': """ _used_ips: t.Set[Address] = set() def __init__( self, localIPAddr="", networkNumber=None, localObjName="BAC0", deviceId=None, firmwareRevision="".join(sys.version.split("|")[:2]), maxAPDULengthAccepted="1024", maxSegmentsAccepted="1024", segmentationSupported="segmentedBoth", bbmdAddress=None, bbmdTTL=0, bdtable=None, modelName="BAC0 Scripting Tool", vendorId=842, vendorName="SERVISYS inc.", description="", location="Bromont, Québec", spin=None, ): self._log.debug("Configurating app") self.timehandler = TimeHandler() if not _COMPLETE: self._log.debug( "To be able to run the web server, you must install pandas, bokeh, flask and flask_bootstrap" ) self._log.debug( "Those are not all installed so BAC0 will work in Lite mode only." ) self._spin = spin self.response = None self._initialized = False self._started = False self._stopped = False if localIPAddr in Base._used_ips: raise InitializationError( "IP Address provided ({}) already used by BAC0. Check if another software is using port 47808 on this network interface. If so, you can define multiple IP per interface. Or specify another IP using BAC0.lite(ip='IP/mask')".format( localIPAddr ) ) if validate_ip_address(localIPAddr): self.localIPAddr = localIPAddr else: raise InitializationError( "IP Address provided ({}) invalid. Check if another software is using port 47808 on this network interface. If so, you can define multiple IP per interface. Or specify another IP using BAC0.lite(ip='IP/mask')".format( localIPAddr ) ) self.networkNumber = networkNumber self.Boid = ( int(deviceId) if deviceId else (3056177 + int(random.uniform(0, 1000))) ) self.segmentationSupported = segmentationSupported self.maxSegmentsAccepted = maxSegmentsAccepted self.localObjName = localObjName self.local_objects = LocalObjects(device=self) self.maxAPDULengthAccepted = maxAPDULengthAccepted self.vendorId = vendorId self.vendorName = charstring(vendorName) self.modelName = charstring(modelName) self.description = charstring(description) self.location = charstring(location) self.discoveredDevices: t.Optional[t.Dict[t.Tuple[str, int], int]] = None self.systemStatus = DeviceStatus(1) self.bbmdAddress = bbmdAddress self.bbmdTTL = bbmdTTL self.bdtable = bdtable self.firmwareRevision = firmwareRevision self._ric = {} self.subscription_contexts = {} self.database = None try: self.startApp() except InitializationError as error: raise InitializationError( "Gros probleme : {}. Address requested : {}".format(error, localIPAddr) )
[docs] def startApp(self): """ Define the local device, including services supported. Once defined, start the BACnet stack in its own thread. """ self._log.debug("Create Local Device") try: # make a device object self.this_device = LocalDeviceObject( objectName=self.localObjName, objectIdentifier=self.Boid, maxSegmentsAccepted=int(self.maxSegmentsAccepted), maxApduLengthAccepted=int(self.maxAPDULengthAccepted), segmentationSupported=self.segmentationSupported, vendorIdentifier=self.vendorId, vendorName=self.vendorName, modelName=self.modelName, systemStatus=self.systemStatus, description=self.description, location=self.location, firmwareRevision=self.firmwareRevision, applicationSoftwareVersion=infos.__version__, protocolVersion=1, protocolRevision=0, utcOffset=self.timehandler.utcOffset(), daylightSavingsStatus=self.timehandler.is_dst(), ) # make an application if self.bdtable: self.this_application = BAC0BBMDDeviceApplication( self.this_device, self.localIPAddr, networkNumber=self.networkNumber, bdtable=self.bdtable, iam_req=self._iam_request(), subscription_contexts=self.subscription_contexts, ) app_type = "BBMD Device" elif self.bbmdAddress and self.bbmdTTL > 0: self.this_application = BAC0ForeignDeviceApplication( self.this_device, self.localIPAddr, networkNumber=self.networkNumber, bbmdAddress=self.bbmdAddress, bbmdTTL=self.bbmdTTL, iam_req=self._iam_request(), subscription_contexts=self.subscription_contexts, ) app_type = "Foreign Device" else: self.this_application = BAC0Application( self.this_device, self.localIPAddr, networkNumber=self.networkNumber, iam_req=self._iam_request(), subscription_contexts=self.subscription_contexts, ) app_type = "Simple BACnet/IP App" self._log.debug("Starting") self._initialized = True try: self._startAppThread() Base._used_ips.add(self.localIPAddr)"Registered as {}".format(app_type)) except OSError as error: self._log.warning("Error opening socket: {}".format(error)) raise InitializationError("Error opening socket: {}".format(error)) self._log.debug("Running") except OSError as error: self._log.error("an error has occurred: {}".format(error)) raise InitializationError("Error starting app: {}".format(error)) finally: self._log.debug("finally")
[docs] def register_foreign_device(self, addr=None, ttl=0): self.this_application.bip.register(addr, ttl)
[docs] def unregister_foreign_device(self): self.this_application.bip.unregister()
[docs] def disconnect(self): """ Stop the BACnet stack. Free the IP socket. """ self._log.debug("Stopping All running tasks") stopAllTasks() self._log.debug("Stopping BACnet stack") # Freeing socket try: self.this_application.mux.directPort.handle_close() except: self.this_application.mux.broadcastPort.handle_close() stopBacnetIPApp() # Stop Core self._stopped = True # Stop stack thread self.t.join() self._started = False Base._used_ips.discard(self.localIPAddr)"BACnet stopped")
def _startAppThread(self): """ Starts the BACnet stack in its own thread so requests can be processed. As signal cannot be called in another thread than the main thread when calling startBacnetIPApp, we must pass None to both parameters """"Starting app...") enable_sleeping(0.0005) if self._spin: kwargs = {"sigterm": None, "sigusr1": None, "spin": self._spin} else: kwargs = {"sigterm": None, "sigusr1": None} self.t = Thread( target=startBacnetIPApp, kwargs=kwargs, daemon=True, ) try: self.t.start() self._started = True"BAC0 started") except OSError: stopBacnetIPApp() self.t.join() raise @property def discoveredNetworks(self): return self.this_application.nse._learnedNetworks or set() # @property # def routing_table(self): # return self.this_application.nse._routing_table or {} @property def routing_table(self): """ Routing Table will give all the details about routers and how they connect BACnet networks together. It's a decoded presentation of what bacpypes.router_info_cache contains. Returns a dict with the address of routers as key. """ class Router: def __init__(self, router_info, index=None, path=None): self.source_network = router_info.snet self.address = router_info.address self.destination_networks = router_info.dnets self.index = index self.path = path def __repr__(self): return "Source Network: {} | Address: {} | Destination Networks: {} | Path: {}".format( self.source_network, self.address, self.destination_networks, self.path, ) self._routers = {} self._ric = {} ric = self.this_application.nsap.router_info_cache for networks, routers in ric.routers.items(): for address, router in routers.items(): self._routers[str(address)] = Router(router, index=networks) for path, router in ric.path_info.items(): self._routers[str(router.address)].path = path return self._routers