Source code for

# type: ignore
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2015 by Christian Tremblay, P.Eng <>
# Licensed under LGPLv3, see file LICENSE in this source tree.
""" - simulate the value of controller I/O values

# --- standard Python modules ---
# --- 3rd party modules ---
# --- this application's modules ---
from .IOExceptions import (

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs]class Simulation: """ Global informations regarding simulation """
[docs] def sim(self, args): """ Simulate I/O points by setting the Out_Of_Service property, then doing a WriteProperty to the point's Present_Value. :param args: String with <addr> <type> <inst> <prop> <value> [ <indx> ] [ <priority> ] """ if not self._started: raise ApplicationNotStarted("BACnet stack not running - use startApp()") # with self.this_application._lock: if use lock...won't be able to call read... args = args.split() addr, obj_type, obj_inst, prop_id, value = args[:5] if"{} {} {} outOfService".format(addr, obj_type, obj_inst)): self.write( "{} {} {} {} {}".format(addr, obj_type, obj_inst, prop_id, value) ) else: try: self.write( "{} {} {} outOfService True".format(addr, obj_type, obj_inst) ) except NoResponseFromController as e: self._log.warning( "Failed to write to OutOfService property ({})".format(e) ) try: if"{} {} {} outOfService".format(addr, obj_type, obj_inst)): self.write( "{} {} {} {} {}".format( addr, obj_type, obj_inst, prop_id, value ) ) else: raise OutOfServiceNotSet() except NoResponseFromController as e: self._log.warning( "Failed to write to OutOfService property ({})".format(e) )
[docs] def out_of_service(self, args): """ Set the Out_Of_Service property so the Present_Value of an I/O may be written. :param args: String with <addr> <type> <inst> <prop> <value> [ <indx> ] [ <priority> ] """ if not self._started: raise ApplicationNotStarted("BACnet stack not running - use startApp()") # with self.this_application._lock: if use lock...won't be able to call read... args = args.split() addr, obj_type, obj_inst = args[:3] try: self.write("{} {} {} outOfService True".format(addr, obj_type, obj_inst)) except NoResponseFromController as e: self._log.warning("Failed to write to OutOfService property ({})".format(e))
[docs] def release(self, args): """ Set the Out_Of_Service property to False - to release the I/O point back to the controller's control. :param args: String with <addr> <type> <inst> """ if not self._started: raise ApplicationNotStarted("BACnet stack not running - use startApp()") args = args.split() addr, obj_type, obj_inst = args[:3] try: self.write("{} {} {} outOfService False".format(addr, obj_type, obj_inst)) except NoResponseFromController as e: self._log.warning("Failed to write to OutOfService property ({})".format(e)) try: if"{} {} {} outOfService".format(addr, obj_type, obj_inst)): raise OutOfServiceSet() else: pass # Everything is ok" except NoResponseFromController as e: self._log.warning("Failed to read OutOfService property ({})".format(e))