Source code for BAC0.core.devices.mixins.CommandableMixin

#!/usr/bin/env python
# type: ignore

Rebuilt Commandable

from bacpypes.basetypes import (
from bacpypes.debugging import ModuleLogger, bacpypes_debugging
from bacpypes.errors import ExecutionError
from bacpypes.local.object import CurrentPropertyListMixIn
from bacpypes.object import (
from bacpypes.primitivedata import (
from bacpypes.task import OneShotTask

# some debugging
_debug = 0
_log = ModuleLogger(globals())

#   Commandable

[docs]@bacpypes_debugging def Commandable( datatype, presentValue="presentValue", priorityArray="priorityArray", relinquishDefault="relinquishDefault", ): if _debug: Commandable._debug("Commandable %r ...", datatype) class _Commando(object): properties = [ WritableProperty(presentValue, datatype), ReadableProperty(priorityArray, PriorityArray), ReadableProperty(relinquishDefault, datatype), ] _pv_choice = None def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(_Commando, self).__init__(**kwargs) # build a default value in case one is needed default_value = datatype().value if issubclass(datatype, Enumerated): default_value = datatype._xlate_table[default_value] if _debug: Commandable._debug(" - default_value: %r", default_value) # see if a present value was provided if presentValue not in kwargs: setattr(self, presentValue, default_value) # see if a priority array was provided if priorityArray not in kwargs: setattr(self, priorityArray, PriorityArray()) # see if a present value was provided if relinquishDefault not in kwargs: setattr(self, relinquishDefault, default_value) def _highest_priority_value(self): if _debug: Commandable._debug("_highest_priority_value") priority_array = getattr(self, priorityArray) for i in range(1, 17): priority_value = priority_array[i] if priority_value.null is None: if _debug: Commandable._debug(" - found at index: %r", i) value = getattr(priority_value, _Commando._pv_choice) value_source = "###" if issubclass(datatype, Enumerated): value = datatype._xlate_table[value] if _debug: Commandable._debug(" - remapped enumeration: %r", value) break else: value = getattr(self, relinquishDefault) value_source = None if _debug: Commandable._debug( " - value, value_source: %r, %r", value, value_source ) # return what you found return value, value_source def WriteProperty( self, property, value, arrayIndex=None, priority=None, direct=False ): if _debug: Commandable._debug( "WriteProperty %r %r arrayIndex=%r priority=%r direct=%r", property, value, arrayIndex, priority, direct, ) # when writing to the presentValue with a priority if property == presentValue: if _debug: Commandable._debug( " - writing to %s, priority %r", presentValue, priority ) # default (lowest) priority if priority is None: priority = 16 if _debug: Commandable._debug( " - translate to priority array, index %d", priority ) # translate to updating the priority array property = priorityArray arrayIndex = priority priority = None # update the priority array entry if property == priorityArray: if arrayIndex is None: if _debug: Commandable._debug(" - writing entire %s", priorityArray) # pass along the request super(_Commando, self).WriteProperty( property, value, arrayIndex=arrayIndex, priority=priority, direct=direct, ) else: if _debug: Commandable._debug( " - writing to %s, array index %d", priorityArray, arrayIndex, ) # check the bounds if arrayIndex == 0: raise ExecutionError( errorClass="property", errorCode="writeAccessDenied" ) if (arrayIndex < 1) or (arrayIndex > 16): raise ExecutionError( errorClass="property", errorCode="invalidArrayIndex" ) # update the specific priorty value element priority_value = getattr(self, priorityArray)[arrayIndex] if _debug: Commandable._debug(" - priority_value: %r", priority_value) # the null or the choice has to be set, the other clear if value == (): if _debug: Commandable._debug(" - write a null") priority_value.null = value setattr(priority_value, _Commando._pv_choice, None) else: if _debug: Commandable._debug(" - write a value") if issubclass(datatype, Enumerated): value = datatype._xlate_table[value] if _debug: Commandable._debug( " - remapped enumeration: %r", value ) priority_value.null = None setattr(priority_value, _Commando._pv_choice, value) # look for the highest priority value value, value_source = self._highest_priority_value() # compare with the current value current_value = getattr(self, presentValue) if value == current_value: if _debug: Commandable._debug(" - no present value change") return # turn this into a present value change property = presentValue arrayIndex = priority = None # allow the request to pass through if _debug: Commandable._debug( " - super: %r %r arrayIndex=%r priority=%r", property, value, arrayIndex, priority, ) super(_Commando, self).WriteProperty( property, value, arrayIndex=arrayIndex, priority=priority, direct=direct ) # look up a matching priority value choice for element in PriorityValue.choiceElements: if issubclass(datatype, element.klass): _Commando._pv_choice = break else: _Commando._pv_choice = "constructedValue" if _debug: Commandable._debug(" - _pv_choice: %r", _Commando._pv_choice) # return the class return _Commando
# # MinOnOffTask #
[docs]@bacpypes_debugging class MinOnOffTask(OneShotTask): def __init__(self, binary_obj): if _debug: MinOnOffTask._debug("__init__ %s", repr(binary_obj)) OneShotTask.__init__(self) # save a reference to the object self.binary_obj = binary_obj # listen for changes to the present value self.binary_obj._property_monitors["presentValue"].append( self.present_value_change )
[docs] def present_value_change(self, old_value, new_value): if _debug: MinOnOffTask._debug("present_value_change %r %r", old_value, new_value) # if there's no value change, skip all this if old_value == new_value: if _debug: MinOnOffTask._debug(" - no state change") return # get the minimum on/off time if new_value == "inactive": task_delay = getattr(self.binary_obj, "minimumOnTime") or 0 if _debug: MinOnOffTask._debug(" - minimum on: %r", task_delay) elif new_value == "active": task_delay = getattr(self.binary_obj, "minimumOffTime") or 0 if _debug: MinOnOffTask._debug(" - minimum off: %r", task_delay) else: raise ValueError( "unrecognized present value for %r: %r" % (self.binary_obj.objectIdentifier, new_value) ) # if there's no delay, don't bother if not task_delay: if _debug: MinOnOffTask._debug(" - no delay") return # set the value at priority 6 self.binary_obj.WriteProperty("presentValue", new_value, priority=6) # install this to run, if there is a delay self.install_task(delta=task_delay)
[docs] def process_task(self): if _debug: MinOnOffTask._debug("process_task(%s)", self.binary_obj.objectName) # clear the value at priority 6 self.binary_obj.WriteProperty("presentValue", (), priority=6)
# # MinOnOff #
[docs]@bacpypes_debugging class MinOnOff(object): def __init__(self, **kwargs): if _debug: MinOnOff._debug("__init__ ...") super(MinOnOff, self).__init__(**kwargs) # create the timer task self._min_on_off_task = MinOnOffTask(self)
# # Commandable Standard Objects #
[docs]class AccessDoorObjectCmd(Commandable(DoorValue), AccessDoorObject): pass
[docs]class AnalogOutputObjectCmd(Commandable(Real), AnalogOutputObject): pass
[docs]class AnalogValueObjectCmd(Commandable(Real), AnalogValueObject): pass
### class BinaryLightingOutputObjectCmd(Commandable(Real), BinaryLightingOutputObject): ### pass
[docs]class BinaryOutputObjectCmd(Commandable(BinaryPV), MinOnOff, BinaryOutputObject): pass
[docs]class BinaryValueObjectCmd(Commandable(BinaryPV), MinOnOff, BinaryValueObject): pass
[docs]class BitStringValueObjectCmd(Commandable(BitString), BitStringValueObject): pass
[docs]class CharacterStringValueObjectCmd( Commandable(CharacterString), CharacterStringValueObject ): pass
[docs]class DateValueObjectCmd(Commandable(Date), DateValueObject): pass
[docs]class DatePatternValueObjectCmd(Commandable(Date), DatePatternValueObject): pass
[docs]class DateTimeValueObjectCmd(Commandable(DateTime), DateTimeValueObject): pass
[docs]class DateTimePatternValueObjectCmd(Commandable(DateTime), DateTimePatternValueObject): pass
[docs]class IntegerValueObjectCmd(Commandable(Integer), IntegerValueObject): pass
[docs]class LargeAnalogValueObjectCmd(Commandable(Double), LargeAnalogValueObject): pass
[docs]class LightingOutputObjectCmd(Commandable(Real), LightingOutputObject): pass
[docs]class MultiStateOutputObjectCmd(Commandable(Unsigned), MultiStateOutputObject): pass
[docs]class MultiStateValueObjectCmd(Commandable(Unsigned), MultiStateValueObject): pass
[docs]class OctetStringValueObjectCmd(Commandable(OctetString), OctetStringValueObject): pass
[docs]class PositiveIntegerValueObjectCmd(Commandable(Unsigned), PositiveIntegerValueObject): pass
[docs]class TimeValueObjectCmd(Commandable(Time), TimeValueObject): pass
[docs]class TimePatternValueObjectCmd(Commandable(Time), TimePatternValueObject): pass
# # ChannelValueProperty #
[docs]class ChannelValueProperty(Property): def __init__(self): if _debug: ChannelValueProperty._debug("__init__") Property.__init__( self, "presentValue", ChannelValue, default=None, optional=False, mutable=True, )
[docs] def WriteProperty(self, obj, value, arrayIndex=None, priority=None, direct=False): if _debug: ChannelValueProperty._debug( "WriteProperty %r %r arrayIndex=%r priority=%r direct=%r", obj, value, arrayIndex, priority, direct, ) ### Clause 12.53.5, page 487 raise NotImplementedError()
# # ChannelObjectCmd #
[docs]class ChannelObjectCmd(ChannelObject): properties = [ChannelValueProperty()]
## ## ## ## ##
[docs]@register_object_type(vendor_id=999) class LocalAnalogValueObjectCmd(CurrentPropertyListMixIn, AnalogValueObjectCmd): pass
[docs]@register_object_type(vendor_id=999) class LocalBinaryOutputObjectCmd(CurrentPropertyListMixIn, BinaryOutputObjectCmd): pass
[docs]@register_object_type(vendor_id=999) class LocalDateValueObjectCmd(CurrentPropertyListMixIn, DateValueObjectCmd): pass
""" # # __main__ # def main(): # parse the command line arguments args = ConfigArgumentParser(description=__doc__).parse_args() if _debug: _log.debug("initialization") if _debug: _log.debug(" - args: %r", args) # make a device object this_device = LocalDeviceObject(ini=args.ini) if _debug: _log.debug(" - this_device: %r", this_device) # make a sample application this_application = BIPSimpleApplication(this_device, args.ini.address) # make a commandable analog value object, add to the device avo1 = LocalAnalogValueObjectCmd( objectIdentifier=('analogValue', 1), objectName='avo1', ) if _debug: _log.debug(" - avo1: %r", avo1) this_application.add_object(avo1) # make a commandable binary output object, add to the device boo1 = LocalBinaryOutputObjectCmd( objectIdentifier=('binaryOutput', 1), objectName='boo1', presentValue='inactive', relinquishDefault='inactive', minimumOnTime=5, # let it warm up minimumOffTime=10, # let it cool off ) if _debug: _log.debug(" - boo1: %r", boo1) this_application.add_object(boo1) # get the current date today = Date().now() # make a commandable date value object, add to the device dvo1 = LocalDateValueObjectCmd( objectIdentifier=('dateValue', 1), objectName='dvo1', presentValue=today.value, ) if _debug: _log.debug(" - dvo1: %r", dvo1) this_application.add_object(dvo1) if _debug: _log.debug("running") run() _log.debug("fini") if __name__ == "__main__": main() """